July 31, 2008

Romance Table by Neringa Dervinyte

The design merges the two-toned colors with beautiful patterns, the light and the shadow, capable of transforming any room into a romantic, inviting getaway. Via Generate.


Simplicity - No word is needed to describe it. I found these products at a online design store Generate . There are a lot of very nice designers' products.

July 24, 2008

Hang On Outlet

Nice concept. Actually I think it is a very pratical concept. I can see it selling in the market soon. via Yanko Design

Sleepypod - All-in-One Mobile Pet Bed

I am not a pet person, but Sleepypod is so cool. The design is so trendy and compact that I really dont mind to carry with me while I am out. Also, it has all kind of neat features, such as safe car seat design; optional interchangeable bedding that keeps the critter cool in the summer and warm in the winter; optional warming unit with a car adapter... more

July 23, 2008

Coleman Suitcase-Style Camp Stove

It is so cool - a portable stove for camp. Love the suitcase look, so compact and powerful too. More...

July 21, 2008

Hoody - Salt and Pepper Set

Check out this salt and pepper set by Vitamin Store. Love the intricate etched stainless steel face that integrate with the pouring holes with the beautiful pattern.

July 7, 2008

USB Portable Speakers by Boynq

Really like the simplicity of the design, but I esepecially love the ON/OFF interface design - Flip it on its back to switch it off and flip it back to switch it on - and volume control detail integrates into with the handle. Check here for more...

July 5, 2008

XO Game

Reflecting from a mirrorlike surface, create the whole shape by half of it. Well, until I saw XO by Shahar Peleg, I just started to realize the mirror shape of "X" and "O". The designer also has some other interesting design, like Wine Bottle Holder, which creates an illusion of suspension in the air. Check here for more...

Kor Water

I really love this bottle design. No way I would like to throw it away for you. Of course I like the story behind the design. Read more...

July 1, 2008

Umbrella - Fashion Accessory

Well, an umbrella doesn't have to be a portable shelter, it could be a fashion accessory. Check out these umbrellas designed by Canadia-born, Tokyo-based designer John Di Cesare, then you would agree with me.